For the Time Being. 2010, 3 minutes
David Clark
This is a short experimental video constructed around an Andre Breton poem: “Less Time”. The flow of thought speaks about our anxiety with time in relationship to our ideas about death and memory. Using extensive manipulation of filmed performances and an overlay of graphic images, the video weaves its vignettes around the meandering musings of Breton's surrealist poem.
The visual language of this video plays with the conventions of cinematic time and editing creating a piece that is lyrical and layered.
Parallel. 2010, 4:40 minutes
Dee Hood
Parallel is an experimental video exploring ideas about time and the parallel universes.
If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home By Now. 2007, 4.5 minutes
Using graphics and language appropriated from real estate internet ads, Ligorano/Reese advertise apartment complexes and condos on the moon. Virtual reality takes on a new meaning when compositing architectural renderings of luxury apartments on the moon. This vicarious escape from the astronomical prices of New York, quickly underscores a reality where the benefits of the real estate boom are a fantasy for many. Is the moon the next outer borough? Will the middle class have to colonize it in pursuit of affordable housing? Only time will tell.
Window. 2008, 1 minute
Jeremy Newman
In this video, a glass window melds real time and cinematic time. Rather than achieving meaning through the juxtaposition of shots, the window surface is a reflective membrane that separates/joins a domestic interior and the forces of nature. With lightning flash illumination, the female figure is variously primal silhouette and mythical goddess.
Axiom. 2010, 1:30 minutes
Sally Grizzell Larson
The rhythm of clapping hands, the repetition of images in equally timed segments: We are lulled and seduced. Like any other high-functioning receptor, the human brain is indiscriminate about what it picks up. How then do we resist the seemingly benign when we're mesmerized by it in spite of our better judgment?
Tapestry. 2007, 11:28 minutes
Peter McAdam
— tap-es-try n
— Something that is considered to be rich, varied or intricately interwoven.
The video takes the form of a moving palimpsest with image and text interwoven illustrating the concepts of time. Both philosophical and painterly the video takes the observer/viewer on an incidental journey through personal animated photo album.
Poetry by Keith Armstrong.
Industrialization. 2008, 2:16 minutes
Frauke Engler, Sarah Janssen, Sandra Kamper
The 19th century, the era of the industrial revolution, is distinguished by a new perception of time. The increase in speed by the invention of machines determines a new rhythm of life, which is also characteristic for contemporary society.
Sunbeam. 2009, 2:04 minutes
Erica Schreiner
People scurry and the world is frantic as the world ends. In the midst of all the hurrying, a butterfly rests peacefully.
Interior. Day. 2009, 5 minutes
Elina Medley
Interior. Day studies a particular space and is the result of an obsessive recording of light, sound and surface. As the title suggests, the piece is set inside and explores ambivalent feelings towards domesticity and the home. Partly about routine and the banality of day to day life, we hear the sounds of human activity: hoovering, typing, opening a blind, running water. This reference to daily actions and its endless loop, means that the work explores themes relating repetition and the continuous cycle of domestic work.
TRAiNSposition. 2009, 3.3 minutes
Nance Davies
TRAiNSposition, layers the multiple perceptions of time during a typical subway ride: the ‘stilling' of time inside the train car, the accelerated speed of the train hurtling through dark tunnels, and the time of ‘human consciousness' as it shifts from hyper-alertness to daydreaming reverie. The rider is, at once, both transported and transporting. This is a fluid place for imagination - a collective nervous system as rider and train are fused into a nested, neural pathway – firing sensory signals and intermittent synaptic spasms. The sound track is a transposition of train sounds and human breath.
All that is solid melts into air. 2009, 3 minutes
This work aims to reflect on sarcastic repetition of historical events such as the actual economical crisis.
In particular the work focuses on the role of managers and money and on the true value of things.
Homage to Magritte, 1975, 10 minutes
Anita Thacher
10 minutes. Homage to Magritte opens with a quote from Magritte “...reality is difficult to attain.”
As a series of paintings might relate, the film links a series of images in the spirit of Magritte's work. Time is expressed as a psychological/intellectual experience -- stretching and compressing pieces of time from disparate moments or locations. Time may be experienced as united by a psychological glue or dispersed and disconnected by the invasion of memory. The film premiered in 1975 at “New Directors/New Films," Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Behind us. 2006, 5:14 Minutes
Lubomira Abt
In the video an Indian mantra is singed in a circle and we are getting behind, where the past is left and the future is unknown. It might be even annoying, but we could go forward, observing an old garden on an arriving rainy morning.
The river is flowing
flowing and drawing
back to the sea
the mother has carried me
your child I will always be
back to the sea...
Meditation Room, 2007, 4:30 minutes
Alice Apley and Carolyn Wirth
Artist Carolyn Wirth and documentary filmmaker Alice Apley collaborated on the video, “Meditation Room,” an animation using dollhouse furniture. The protagonist of the film--a ticking clock--marks the passage of time as the tiny room is carefully arranged, and then dissolves. The set of “Meditation Room” (below) originated as the living room in Wirth's installation, “Interior Design” at Boston's Kingston Gallery. The tiny rooms in the installation used the accoutrements of American life symbolically while simultaneously existing in the hobbyist's world of miniatures and toys. The film, a meditation on time and decay, represents to the artist “a vision of the relentless alterations time places upon the material world, even as it exists in memory.”
Unde. 2008, 2.45 minutes
Ana-Maria Huluban
UNDE (Romanian) = Where / Rays of light.
People move in the same direction: towards the end of their life. They do this in time, which is measured in one way but varies from person to person, being experienced individually. Rays of light change according to the medium they travel through. Similarly, time expands and contracts depending on each human's state of mind.
Myopia. 2008, 1.55 minutes
Ana-Maria Huluban
Concept & image - ANA-MARIA HULUBAN, programming in VVVV - MICHAL MARENCIK
This project is an audio-video installation. The person who wants to experience it has to put on the headphones and sit down in front of the screen. If the person is not watching it anymore the image and the sound reset automatically to the beginning. At the end of the 1minute video the image of the person who's watching appears on the screen.
ALL YOU CAN'T EAT and other Tales of Waiting. 2009, 5 minutes
Caterina Verde
A man pursues a circular route. He sits on a bench; he waits. "You done made a little mistake you couldn't afford to make...and it's over. You don't get any second chances". Time doesn't allow for a redo—you are done. It's a cultural commitment. Movement through time yields a product—speed as a means of achieving the goal. Commentators' react to circular spectator activities that become a litany of missed opportunities. The driver races but he himself is not moving. Stasis persists. The waiting man looks back on himself; he speaks to an unseen person about a person from the past that has no seeming origin. He is never answered.
A Stitch in Time. 2009, 9 mins 40 seconds.
Diane Shaw
For many years I have collected tiny shards of broken pottery discarded then buried and consequently pushed to the surface by armies of earthworms.
These pieces represent a form of domestic archaeology, fragments and memories of generations of families and settlements lost in time. Running lines of silk stitching on canvas form an imagined extension of the lost part of the design and pattern creating an imaginary journey from another age to the here and now.
Beads (order, disorder and symmetry), 2009, 4 minutes and 42 seconds
Giulia Ricci
The video/performance is an exploration of order and disorder together with the issue of symmetry through time; order and disorder are explored through the manipulation of beads and symmetry is explored through the performance carried out with my hands as well as through the editing of the video. This piece is connected to my drawing practice, in which time, process and tactility are the key elements.
All By Myself. 2008, 3:30 minute
Valerie Garlick
An 1877 lullaby like vibraphone recording collapses with the repetitive sound of running high heels and a huffing breath of worry. Soundtrack: All By Myself, Aileen Stanley.
Ether. 2003, 04.42 minutes
Jorge García Velayos
An inviting trip into nature trough wind (leaves) and water elements (fishes).
From Russian film collection “Vanishing Time” curated by Natalya Govorina.
Sanatorium. 2008, 19 minutes
Natalya Govorina
It happens to all of us sooner or later… a film based on the works by Russian writers Venedict Erofeev and Sasha Sokolov. Named Best Narrative Film at the 2008 Moscow Festival of Short Film.
There where you are. 2010, 4 minutes
Sergei Lyapin
Blurred experiences form our memory, history, dreams, reality…
Winter. 2007, 19 minutes
Sergei Lyapin
Everyone has own Hell. Once in the morning the protagonist realizes that something is wrong.
Unnecessary Gift. 2008, 13 minutes
Stepan Zhivov
Numerous objects are kept in the dark rooms of the State Depository, and each of them has its own history and fate besides a card in a catalogue. This is a story of a woman who oversees the storage of gifts to the former USSR leaders. She learns about an auction of these gifts and decides to steal one of them.
Art by Chance Ultra Short Films Collection of films exploring the concept of TIME
Click HERE • ABC |
Time Fragments. 2010, 3 minutes
Paul Glennon
Moments come and go in a flash and some are more important than others. When I try to remember a moment in time my mind displays a fragment – not unlike a screen shot that most computers are capable of recording. This fragment then allows me access to emotions and thoughts from the time that my mind recorded them. This film is like a digital canvas version of that process. Like memories the fragments are blurry (or pixilated).
Building & Sky Diary. 2010 3:19 minutes
Michael Szpakowski
‘Building & Sky Diary' records changing scenes from an apartment window in Montmartre, Paris over a period of days earlier this year.
It was recorded on a pocket HD camera which I made no attempt to position similarly at each recording, and some, but not all, of the footage was itself subsequently manipulated in time by speeding up.
The soundtrack is derived from manipulation of the ambient sounds captured on each original piece of video – a kettle boiling, the TV, cooking, idle conversation.
Depending on the perspective one adopts the piece records both a moment in and change over time.
Main Street Meltdown. 2008, 5 minutes
On the 79th anniversary of the stock market crash the caused the Great Depression in 1929, artists Ligorano/Reese installed an ice sculpture of the word “Economy” in front of the New York State Supreme Court, in the proximity of Wall Street.
MAIN STREET MELTDOWN documents people's reactions to witnessing the economy disappear.
Poker. 2007, 29 seconds
Sarah Janssen
By making use of stylistic devices of the advertising industry this stop motion animation tells a story about winning and losing in relation to the passing of time.
Vergangenheitsbewaltigung. 2009, 5 minutes
Polina Zaitseva
Vergangenheit - past
Bewältigung - mastering process of coming to terms with the past
Photographical journey through Proctor Theatre in Newark,NJ accompanied with music by a German duo Beefcake.
Visual study of architectural and historical aspects of an abandoned theatre.
Time is a powerful instrument of nature: it has slowly peeled man-painted murals; penetrated velvet curtains with mold and made this theatre into a grand home for homeless creatures. Time speaks of former glories that now are just echos.
After more than thirty years, Proctor Theatre of Newark has came to terms with its disintegration. It has mastered the slow and beautiful process of entropy. Forgotten, yet majestically standing within main streets' shops, vendors and traffic; same streets that brought this theatre to its end during Newark riots of the sixties. Standing in the middle of urbanized environment, patiently waiting for either final passing or restoration.
The Edge of the Yard. 2004, 2min 54sec
Caterina Verde
The fragility of perception is reflected in the moments of the “in-between”---half-forgotten moments, actions as well as gestures that remain powerful in the psyche…where even joyous laughter can frighten. The perception of time and place are incongruous. Nothing seems to belong together yet all is seam-less, no separation of time.
Here Wait (excerpt), 2010, 3:38 minutes
group A – Alyssa Lee and Nora Raggio
Taking its inspiration from a traffic sign stenciled on the pavement of a busy intersection, HERE WAIT presents the implications of different states of waiting. HERE WAIT grapples with the tension of present, constrained/specific space implied by HERE, and delayed/expanded time implied by WAIT. This dilemma is investigated through such questions as: Where does one find stillness in the decay of movement? How does one wait while remaining grounded in the present? How do we reconcile the dichotomy of pausing in time? HERE WAIT (excerpt) is a collaboration between choreographer Alyssa Lee, composer Maggi Payne, and video artist Nora Raggio.
Trash Hourglass. 2009, 30 seconds
Nora Raggio
Trash Hourglass is a video which is exactly 30 seconds long, with a ring tone at the end, so that if it loops, it reminds one that 30 seconds have just gone by – often!. It keeps one quite focused on the present and brings awareness to the fact that by now, instead of using sand, as in days of yore, we can measure time by amount of trash we generate every half minute.

Ad-Vice for a Prophet, 2005, 7 minutes
Jon Rafman
An anonymous narrator, alone in his apartment, cannot tell if his inner life is composed of memories of dreams or memories of reality. Using a mixture of super-8 Kodachrome and nostalgic 1980's advertisements, the film captures the way pop culture ephemera are repetitively imposed on us until we feel they are our creation.
City Girls, 2007, 9 minutes 44 seconds
Jon Rafman
An anonymous narrator is tortured by a vague feeling that he has encountered the different girls he passes on the street earlier in his life. City Girls was inspired by the synopsis on the back of an old Last Year in Marienbad VHS box found in a Salvation Army.
News From the Madhatter, 2005, 9 min 29 sec
Jon Rafman
An international businessman, for whom the elevated trains of Berlin and Chicago have become interchangeable, encounters and re-encounters an old raconteur, the unofficial chronicler of urban legends. We learn of Ukrainian dogfights, truces between the Crips and the Bloods and factory life in fin-de-siècle New York.
Short Fall. 2010, 3:30 mins
Paul Matosic
This film is part of an evolutionary series of film works initiated in 2003. The original footage was made using a high-speed camera filmed at 500 frames per second. These have been rendered in numerous formats both as gallery based installations, using four films in a sequence on four screens in extreme slow motion (lasting 60 min.).
The impetus for making this work stemmed from a sculptural performance project where fall events were recorded as still images. The before and after of which remained a mystery.
In context towers and boxes are a feature of mythology and fairy stories likewise towers falling are the stuff of legend The Tower of Babel and reality The Twin Towers.
Apeiron | Peras V (Excerpt), 2009, 4 minutes Phillip Stearns
Apeiron | Peras is a body of non-representational, non-narrative video graphics films and performances created using hand-made electronics arranged in generative feedback loops. The result is an intense display of electronic synethesia - sound and image are produced by sonifying and visualizing the same raw electronic signals as directly as possible.
The dance of drones and vibrant visuals is chaotic and unpredictable, yielding moments of tranquility amidst complete sensory assault, from epileptic sequences of strobing bands of light to soft continuously morphing color fields. Each work stands as a record of an intuitive journey, navigating the expressive landscape produced by folding electronic signals inwards upon themselves in generative feedback networks.
Voila. 2010, 4:23 minutes
Adam Cruces
This project operates as a portrait of a friend while smoking one cigarette. My interest in using this process is that I was able to portray future as present and let my hand enter the work in a more decisive way, through post-production. My intent in this video is to create a new experience of such a mundane act as smoking, and letting that transformation influence the appearance of the subject.

The Gorbals - It was as if / I was lying / under a low / sky breathing /
through the eye / of a needle, 2006, 6 minutes, silent
Jim Hobbs
Originally shot on super-16mm, this film captures the demolition of two tower blocks in Glasgow, Scotland. The film is shown backwards (as an almost cliché act of remembering) and upside down (the subsequent result of projecting 16mm film backwards), creating a visual experience where the linear expectation of time is exchanged for the uncanny - and the massive, violent, and explosive act is transformed into a slow, subtle, shift of matter.
The Way of Progress. 2010, 5:15 minutes
Danielle Adair
The Way of Progress uses a loose transcription of an experience in artist Tino Seghal's work This is Progress (at the Guggenheim Museum, New York City, closing day March 2010). Sehgal stipulates that his artworks or "situations" are not to be documented in any way. Through repeated re-stagings and the contributing voices of other practicing artists, the video The Way of Progress questions how we respond to “documented” time and the act of organizing time. Performing Artists: Danielle Adair, Cristina Arias, Carlos Contente, Iker Lekuona, Nick Mathis, Alejandro Almanza Pereda.
Traffic, (or thoughts while eating ritz crackers). 2008, 7 minutes
Ian Winters
Created originally as time-lapse film for performance, traffic (or thoughts while eating ritz crackers), is a collaboration between Bay area filmmaker Ian Winters and choreographer Mary Armentrout that features a day's worth of I-80's traffic passing in 7 minutes combined with the on stage musings of a Ritz cracker eating Armentrout falling from a kitchen chair. Described as "witty...and relentless" by the LA times (march 24th, 2008) it debuted at CounterPULSE (SF, CA) in November 2007, followed by a run at Highways in Santa Monica, CA in March 2008.
For To End Yet Again. 2003, 5 minutes
Michele Beck and Jorge Calvo
For To End Yet Again is a non-narrative, philosophical investigation, which uses technology to alter and shape reality.
The video works with the body as an object that creates and carries time through motion. Through the process of video editing, the speed and rhythm of time are restructured and sound is manipulated to become an aggressive element, which disturbs and breaks continuity.
SIN. 2010, 2.20 minutes
Peter Gregorio
At a meeting of intelligence, there is a possibility that the human biology will merge with machine. Mathematician and computer scientist, Vernor Vinge, suggests that this is possible within the next thirty years; we will indeed have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Vinge hypothesizes further, “Shortly thereafter, the human era will be ended.” This idea is the starting point for the video “SIN” (the Singularity Is Near). Using Ray Kurzweil's book title by the same name, as a warning inscription, the video points to a futurist's utopian/dystopian scenario.
Ag dul sios an staighre. 2008
Kara Dunne
Wearing 1950s ballroom attire I make my descent, going down beautiful staircase after beautiful staircase trying to reach ‘the bottom'. It is unclear as to my intentions- who I am trying to find, or where I am going.
Cicada. 2008, 8.5 minutes
Anna Mosby Coleman
CICADA, a time-based concrete poem, uses film and video signal and the remnants of a gorgeous yet repulsive insect to express the agita of love in flux. Using a cicadic array of several abandoned exoskeletons - relics of the insects' 17 year process of laying dormant and regaining life - CICADA proceeds with a combination with singing, whispering, and speaking. The filmmaker accompanies the bugs' waking song with her own voice. Using a Super8 film camera, dead cicadas are re-animated using the remnants of their metamorphoses. The video sequences from the insect's POV were recorded using a Sony Cybershot Camera.
Relative Space, Father/Son. 2009, 10:10 minutes
Chris Stockbridge
The film animation looks at a family relationship shown in an expanded moment of time. The performance is directed by the artist, played out under her gaze as wife and mother. The claustrophobia and frustration of family life is reflected in the endless, slow repetition. As a film, which began as still images it inhabits the border between the photographic and the cinematic, time is at its heart. These shifts in time, the empty space between the figures and the dissolving surface create the possibility of other realities, through which the work hopes to disrupt the familiar and familial.
Superimposed Orchestra. 2010, 3 minutes
Anton Hecht
Individual players are filmed separately and then superimposed together and speeded up to create a tune.